Dear friends, employees, and guests of Sakura,

It is with deep gratitude and heartfelt sadness that we announce the closing of Sakura. After 26 wonderful years, we will close our doors for the final time on Sunday, July 14. The challenges and rising costs we have faced since the pandemic have made it increasingly difficult to sustain our business.

We would like to thank our staff, past and present, for your dedication, passion, and helping provide so many wonderful experiences over the years. We are so grateful for your love and hard work.

We give thanks to everyone who has dined with us, whether you’ve been a regular for years or recently discovered us. You are the reason for our success and we are truly honored to have served you. You trusted us with your most cherished moments–birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, first dates, marriage proposals, engagement parties, baby showers, children growing up, celebrations of life. We have seen generations of families pass through our doors. Parents who once brought their children have seen those children grow up, marry, and return with kids of their own.

Amarillo has been a special place for us to fulfill our dreams of building a restaurant. The people here are kind and supportive of small businesses. Sakura has been proud to be a part of this community and to offer a place where everyone feels at home. Thank you, Amarillo. We will miss you all dearly. We wish you the best and hope the love and laughter shared here stays with you always.

With so much love,
